Manuale del Coltivatore di Cannabis
L'autore Ed Rosenthal ha aggiornato il suo Manuale del Coltivatore di Cannabis, aggiungendo alla già ampia collezione di informazioni riguardanti l'orticoltura della marijuana utili link a siti web e alcuni brani tratti dalla sua rubrica di consigli. Questo Manuale fornisce le basi necessarie ai principianti per avviare il gioco colturale, ma anche informazioni utili per i più esperti.
Disponibile solo in inglese.
ISBN | 9780932551467 |
Numero di pagine | 510 |
Lingua | Inglese |
Very good product.
Tolles Buch, viele Einblicke und noch mehr Wissen!
Ein Super Buch um alles rund um den Anbau und mehr von Cannabis zu lernen.
Rosenthal weiß wovon er spricht/schreibt.
Leider nur Englisch und kam mit Nassem Karton an aber sonst alles Top.
La Bible de la weed
Une mine d'information pour tous les passionnés, débutants comme confirmés.
Tous les sujets sont abordés et des photos magnifiques!
Perfect !
This book is absolutely fantastic for anyone that is wanting to learn how to grow weed
Giving tons of information, details and hints with pictures also to help start a garden from seed or clones to bloom. All this book has is the information and everything else needed for anyone to start learning how to grow, trim, nutrient, veg, bloom, and several different ways to grow marijuania in the different available mediums and methods out there to name a couple of things that this books offers up to the individual to is wanting to learn this new skill.
This book is amazing and filled with so much information that you will have to read through several times to get what you need or were wanting with more information covering basically anything and everything on the process how to setting up a new garden, growing and taking care of the plants, trimming and nutrienting the plants, how to recognize illness or vitamin deficiency in the plants along with how to fix the issue, and other topics that will cover anything and all you would ever need.
This book covers all the information and know-how in order to grow efficiently and effectively in a variety of different growing methods helping you along the path. Get this book and you will not be disappointed.
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