

Definendo se stessa la prima pipa vaporizzatrice del mondo, la VaporGenie è di fatto un dispositivo di vaporizzazione ingegnosamente semplice, ma che nasconde una tecnologia interessante. Disponibile in molti colori diversi.

55,25 € tasse incl.
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Colore: Rosso 55,25 €
  • Colore: Acero 55,25 €
  • Colore: Blu 55,25 €
  • Colore: Nero 55,25 €
  • Colore: Noce 68,00 €
  • Colore: Quercia 55,25 €
  • Colore: Rosso 55,25 €
  • Colore: Verde 55,25 €

Combinazioni di prodotto:
Colore: Acero
55,25 €
Non disponibile
Colore: Quercia
55,25 €
Non disponibile
Colore: Noce
68,00 €
Non disponibile
Colore: Nero
55,25 €
Non disponibile
Colore: Rosso
55,25 €
Non disponibile
Colore: Blu
55,25 €
Non disponibile
Colore: Verde
55,25 €
Non disponibile
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Come utilizzare il vaporizzatore VaporGenie

L'aria calda di un accendino, mescolata con l'aria più fresca dell'ambiente, viene aspirata dal braciere, inalando attraverso il cannello della pipa. I flussi d'aria calda e fredda vengono miscelati in un filtro di ceramica brevettato all'interno del braciere della pipa, in modo che, quando raggiungono l'erba che si trova sotto, la temperatura è giusta per vaporizzarla e non così calda da provocarne la combustione.

Caratteristiche della VaporGenie

  • Il filtro di ceramica è realizzato in carburo di silicio ad alta purezza, una ceramica estremamente inerte e resistente al calore, che non si brucia, non si disintegra e non inquina il vapore in alcun modo.
  • La VaporGenie classica è fatta di legno d'acero, sigillato con vernice alimentare. Le pipe VaporGenie colorate sono verniciate con vernici senza piombo.
  • La VaporGenie intagliata a mano è fatta in acero, noce o quercia.
VaporGenie - Scheda Tecnica
Temperatura Regolabile No
Tipo di riscaldamento Convezione
Compatibilità Del Vaporizzatore Erba
Recensioni (6)

    angenehm überrascht !!!
    Ich suchte nach einer Alternative zu meinem Mighty. Diese Pfeife funktioniert sehr gut und man ist nicht vom Akku abhängig. In der Outdoor-Saison ein tolles Plus. Auch die Handhabung ist einfach, ein Pfeifenfeuerzeug erleichtert das ganze nochmals. Und das GANZE OHNE RAUCH Ich kann dieses Produkt jedem empfehlen, der Rauchfrei genießen möchte und dafür eine gute und günstige Alternative zu den doch teureren Vapes sucht.

    A. B.

    Have used this, dynovaps and crafty vaporisers extensively and this is the best. You can take a kitchen blowtorch to it to meet your needs (and you can't with the others FYI). Highly recommended

    G. J.

    Très bien
    Très facile d'emploi, très agréable à utiliser, je recommande l'utilisation de ce bel objet.

    M. G.

    I was searching for a vape pipe to smoke my NN-DMT Crystal's through. I discovered that using a vapourgenie was the best way. Knowing this I was straight to zamnensia. Went for the blue one... I live in London and the package arrives well within the specified time and with loads of free goodies. I used the pipe when I held my very first DMT session/night. I have had experience using pipes before(best not to elaborate). There is a technique to using the pipe successfully but well worth it. Pipe comes with instructions and a screen to get you started (15mm). I could not conduct my nights or smoke Gods seamen without it. So if your looking for a DMT pipe, or a pipe for all occasions and either this or the glass sherlock which coincidence is my next purchase.... may the farse not be with you! Look out for the POOKIES BRANDED MUSHROOMS & DMT.......WHEN IN ALL GOOD CAFES LONDON!!

    M. D.

    Beautiful stylish vaporizer , with a learning curve
    I love the Vapor Genie. Me and Vapor Genie go back a long way. It was one of my first tools that got me into vaping and now I am a vape enthusiast owning 11 vapes and still looking for a few more. Along the way, I sold my first ash vapor genie. Now I wanted one back so I was happy Zamnesia still had a few for sale and I went for the Oak variant this time which is a beautiful piece of wood. It feels good in your hands and its nice to sit with and fiddle around with it trying to get nice hits out of the pipe. This is the part where some people will probably be turned off, because it requires a certain technique to get to where you want to go. I'm using a regular lighter with maybe a medium flame, regular lighter. You inhale the heat of the flame through the herb in your vapor genie. It takes time before you understand how it works best. Visualize the airway, the heat, the bowl and play around with the speed at which you draw. I get a nice high which seems stronger than I get with some electrical vapes. I would gently stir the bowl sometime with a toothpick and try not to crush the herb to much to prevent particles coming through. You could use a finer screen. You can put 15 mm screens in but I'm using 20 mm screens which fit as well. The genie comes packed with instructions which are very clear, don't let the flame touch the ceramic and don't overload the bowl to prevent combustion. There's some stickers to mark your territory too. I have read that this pipe is also used to vape DMT, but I have no experience with that. Nice knowing I bought a multifunctional pipe though. And that's about it, that's my review for the Vapor Genie

    J. R.

    All good
    Great product, and had to be resent but arrived eventually!

    R. M.
    Non puoi lasciare una recensione perché non hai acquistato questo prodotto
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